⭐️⭐️ Want someone who can tame ghosts??? This beautul Totally Rad trainer is your gal. Our 1st Exclusive with Totally RAD Comics, Camp Retro Ghostly Tamer! ⭐️⭐️
This trainer comes in regular and metal variants, don't sleep on this and let it disappear.
Cover art by Anastasia Katysheva @aa_anastasia_arts
Claim below the following options:
🔥 A - Trade $20.00 🔥 ltd 75
🔥 B - Risque $30.00 🔥 ltd 50
🔥 C - Topless $40.00🔥 ltd 40
🔥 D - Nude $50.00🔥 ltd 30
🔥 E - Regular Set $120.00 🔥
🔥 AA - Naughty $50.00🔥 ltd 20
🔥 BB - Topless $60.00 🔥 ltd 20
🔥 CC- Nude $70.00 🔥 ltd 20
🔥 DD - Metal Set $160.00 🔥
Plus shipping, ship by late December2023 or sooner.